Saturday, October 30, 2010

Site Assignment and Aguizotes

On Friday we found out about our site assignments and the cities we will be living in for the next two years. After talking to some people I don’t think that I am allowed to say the exact name of the town for safety reasons, but I am allowed to say the region. I am actually going to be in the same department that I am in now (Masaya), but just in another town. A department here is what we would call a state. So for example I am staying in my “state” but just moving to another city in the state. I think the town is bigger than the one I am in now which is cool. I know there is a bank so it can’t be too small haha.

I am going to be closer to the city of Masaya which is really big and has everything I would need. There two other girls from my group who are also staying in Masaya so I am excited to work with them and hang out with them. I hear it’s a little cooler in my new city. But I also heard it’s hotter so who knows haha. I am still going to be close to the capital city and the Peace Corps office, which is also nice. Jessica and Megan the other girls from my training town are going to be living north of me for the next two years. I am excited to go visit them! It’s up in the mountains. We are all going on a site visit this coming Tuesday and we will be there for a whole week. I am excited to see what my new town is like. It’s weird to think that I will be starting this process all over again with a new host family. My new family is a lot smaller than my family now. There are only two kids and the parents. It will be like culture shock all over again.

Well I have been in Nicaragua for two months now and this past weekend was the first time I went out for a night on the town. In the states we have Halloween. Here in Nicaragua some people celebrate Halloween but there is also a similar celebration called Aguizotes. The people basically dress up in costumes, but they are usually witches and goblins ect. They dress up in scary masks and stuff like that. It was very interesting. Megan and I went to a parade on Friday night to watch all the people in costumes. We went with our counterpart teacher's cousin and one of Megans host family friends. We felt a lot safer because we were going out at night with two Nicaraguan guys who know the area a lot better than we do. It was fun to watch everyone dancing all around. There was a lot of fire involved in the parade and tubas and drums. In the capital there was a protest against Halloween because it’s an American holiday but they basically have the same holiday here, so it’s kind of funny. After the parade we went to a club that had kareoke and dancing and pool. It was really fun. We wanted to sing kareoke but they only have three songs in English and they could only remember the names of two of them(dust in the wind was one). So after that we went to the dance floor. It was very intimadating because I am a horrible Salsa, Merengue ect. dancer. I was dancing with our counterpart's cousin Mario who is an awesome dancer. He taught me the steps and we had so much fun! I like how people here aren't afarid to just get out there and dance. You can kind of do your own thing and no one cares! I had a lot of fun that night and it's cool to have some Nicaragua friends now!

Well next week I am off to my sight visit. I will let everyone know how that goes.

Later friends!

1. Me on top of some mountain I don't know the name of haha
2 and 3. All of us after site assignemts being silly and serious

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