Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Day in the Big City

So on Sunday Megan and I went to Masaya which compared to San Juan de Oriente it is a big bustling city. My other friend in my town Jessica, is really sick so we were really missing her while we were in Masaya. The teacher that we have been working with in our town invited us to her house to eat lunch and watch some of the parades and dancing in Masaya. Her name is Leticia. She had her cousin, who is a taxi driver pick us up and take us to her house. We got to meet her family. She has a little 18 month old daughter who is adorable. She took us to the market is Masaya which is awesome. There is the old market which is really pretty but is for tourists. We went to the new market where all the Nicaraguans go. The new market is a lot cheaper. I bought some new Nicaragua sandals. They are so comfortable. Then Leticia bought us a bracelet. She said she wanted to buy us something! It was so nice!

Oh side note: before we left her house for the market we were talking about how much we like cake. So Leticia called her aunt and when she came back over to us she said that her aunt was making us a cake and it would be ready at 2 pm lol. Megan and I were happy that we were getting cake that day! After the market we went to lunch with Leticia and her husband and her daughter. It was a really nice meal at a really nice restaurant. We enjoyed ourselves and Leticia paid for everything. After lunch we went to Pali (owned by Wal-mart I believe) which is a "big supermarket". By big I mean they have frozen foods and milk and eggs and cereal and hand sanitizer. It's so exciting to go there because I feel like I can buy anything I want! After shopping we went back to Leticia's house to eat cake. On the way we encountered some kids dancing. They are dancing the traditional dance of Masaya, it is a throwback to the indigenous people of Masaya. They are so cute and they are really good!

It was a great day in the big city! This coming week we are preparing for what is called practicum week. We will be traveling to another part of the country to teach three classes by ourselves. For the next two years we will be co-teaching but for the practicum week we have to teach a class all alone! I a little nervous about that... Hopefully it will go well. It will be exciting to get out of my town for a week and see something different. Then after practicum week w will be finding out about our permanent sites. We are all really excited about that. Well I better get back to work. Peace Corps keeps us very busy!

1. I tried to upload a video of the dancers but it didn't work booo
2. Leticia, Megan and I at lunch in Masaya
3. A picture of the outside of the old Market
4. The central park in Masaya
5. The dancers dancing in one of the houses and
6. Leticia's daughter Lucia Natalia


  1. That 40 second video was more entertaining than all 4 episodes of The Situation on Dancing With The Stars.

  2. YAY for the flip cam!!! Kell, I expect you to come home dancing like this!

  3. LOL @ MHS1357.

    Great post!! I really enjoyed reading it.
