Monday, November 1, 2010


I just wanted to write a short post about what I experienced today. With all of the activities we have coming up, today was my last class with the students in my training town. I only taught about 5 or six classes in my training town. But today some of the students stood up and thanked me for coming. They were saying such genuine and heart felt things. They said that I made the class more fun and more "dinamic", and they learned a lot. One of the girls in the class started to cry. I couldn't believe it. It really suprised me because I didn't think that I could have an affect on the kids in such a short time. With teenagers you never really know if they are paying attention to you at all or if they even care. It was just really cool to experience that. It's makes me excited to go to my site and work more consistently with a group of kids. Today made me realize why the Peace Corps exists and why we are here in Nicaragua teaching english. I feel really lucky to be a part of this!

Nos Vemos


  1. Kellie that is fabulous! Those kids are so lucky to have you and it is so nice that they can tell you how grateful they are!

  2. That's very cool. The peace peace is showing its true colors. I'm so happy for you Kelly Bean!

  3. Kelly, You will never forget this experience. Keep up the super job and trust your instincts. Lindsay

  4. KelBel - I think you're pretty great!

  5. Awww, that makes my heart happy for you!
