Hello All,
I have finally made it to my training town. The name of the town is San Juan de Oriente. It is a really small town of about 3,000 people. It is definitely not what I am use to! We arrived at our host family's houses on Saturday morning. It was pretty scary just because you don't know what to expect or how you will be perceived. My family is really nice and full of children. There is the abuelo and abuela and they have two daughters. Only one of their kids lives in the house. They eight grand kids. They are all adorable and pretty funny. They are still getting use to me and I am trying to find ways for them to like me haha: We played go fish the first day I got here. It was pretty hard to explain the game to them and they were just laughing at me! The youngest one is 2 years old. They also call her Dora the Explorer because her haircut looks like Dora the cartoon. I will get some pictures and post them on here soon.
I had a crazy first night in Nicaragua. There was a big rainstorm and it caused the electricity to go out for the whole night. That was pretty crazy. The roofs of the houses are made of tin so it makes the rain sounds really loud and scary. The walls of the house are not connected to the houses so when it rains you feel like you are outside. It eventually subsided and I slept really well.
Sunday was pretty calm relaxed. I just spend time with my family and went to an internet cafe for a little bit. Today we had our first class and we learned some important Spanish words to communicate with our family and greetings for people. We also took a walk around the town to see where everything is. The town is very small so that wasn't hard. I also saw where the other two people from my group are living. Each one of our houses are different, so it's interesting to see that. I am hoping to get to know the town each day. We can't leave our training town for the first week. Friday we are going to the Capitol city to get our vaccines and meet up with the rest of the group.
Well that's all I have for now. The pictures are from my room, it's actually pretty nice with a window and a nice bed. I have my mosquito net up because we can't have any mosquitos getting in and making me sick! The view if from my window when I first got there. I am going to take more pictures of the town soon.
Hasta luego