Hello All,
So I haven’t done an entry in awhile! I need to get better at keeping up with this thing! I am been very busy the past couple of months! It is nice to be busy because now it’s December and I will be home in 6 days! SO many Nicaragua have asked me to bring them back a “recuerdo” or souvenir from the States. I am never quite sure how to answer them or if they are serious. This has caused some problems, and I am now bringing back a watch (with a black band) for someone I don’t know very well haha. She gave me an umbrella so apparently we are even. In October Alex, a Peace Corps friend of mine got married! She came to Nicaragua a year before me so she just finished her service. She married a Nicaragua whose name is also Alex. They are a really cute couple and the wedding was really nice! Then the following weekend was a Peace Corps event at the Holiday Inn in Managua. Everyone was dressed up and the theme was masquerade! It was fun to get together with a lot of the volunteers and stay in a hotel with hot showers! The weekend after that was Aguizotes in Masaya. Aguizotes is the Nica version of Halloween (kind of). Instead of people dressing up as nurses, famous people or cartoon characters people here dress up really scary and paint their faces. Last year it was really overwhelming to go to Aguizotes. This year it was so much fun. The people dressed up didn’t scare me or make me nervous. I joined in the fun. I painted my face and watch the parade.
The month of November basically consisted of preparing for the end of school. I was never quite sure when the actual last day of school was. The date seemed to change every week. For about two weeks the students were coming to school even though they had finished all their exams and the grades were in. So there was definitely a lack of motivation for the students to show up. It was exciting for the seniors of the school. I will be sad that they won’t be around next year. They were some of my favorite students. The last weekend in November we had a small Thanksgiving celebration with my friends. I was skeptical about how it was going to turn out but it was really good! We had rotisserie chicken instead of turkey, and stuffing (mom sent me stove top), mac and cheese (made in a toaster oven), green beans, potatoes, bread, carrots. It was so delish! I also enjoyed a few Nicaraguan holiday activities but now I am ready to head home on the 21st!
Pictures (bottom to top)
1. Food from Thanksgiving
2. Masquerade Ball in Managua
3. Out in the big city celebrating a friends 30th Bday (Geovannia in the Blue)
4. Picture from my schools graduation
5. Alex and Alex at their wedding